I'm studying sports science now... But nobody say I must be a sports scientist when I graduate right? I'm also not saying I hate sports science, because I truly enjoy every moment of it. But here's a list of my dream jobs!
...Celebrity Chef?
Appear on TV, cook a few dishes... The aunties(a generic singlish term for middle aged women) loves you and wanna marry their daughters to you! Be hot and sweaty in the kitchen, and still be adored by millions... Why not?
Possibility rating 4/10
...Professional Adventurer?
Climb mountains, sail the seven seas, go deep down tunnels... See the World and get paid doing it... Make speeches at schools, universities, cooperate functions... Maybe support a cause or two... And you always have stories to tell at reunions... Yeah!
Possibility rating 7/10
It's still one of the highest paying jobs around. Save lifes (or at the least... try not to kill anyone...)... Have no life (from all the work...)... There's nothing much more impressive then saying "I'm a doctor."... And hey... Some of the nurses are real cuties you know?
Possibility rating 2/10
Be respected (yeah rite...) and mold the future of our nation... Show youngsters the way... Teach right from wrong (I will teach the wrong... Someone else need to teach the right...)... Perhaps develop the talent of a few outstanding talents! At class reunions, students will always recall you (mostly to mock... But we do praise some teachers you know...)...
Possibility rating 6.5/10
...Sports Scientist?
Help people run faster... Jump higher... Generally perform better... Conduct research on sports physiology, biomechanics, motor control, nutrition... Make athlete sweat,bleed(because you need blood sample!) and maybe cry(because they are scare of the needle you used for blood sampling) Sports science is really a very wide field...
Possibility rating 8/10 (hey! I'm already studying sports science...)
...Football Manager?
Plan trainings... Plan tactics... Plan short and long term goals for the team... Maybe training youngsters for a future career as a professional athlete... Or be the head honcho of a professional football team and led them to glory! Win some trophies... Get some medals... Too bad the girls go after the players...
Possibility rating 6/10
Write a good book and make millions from future endorsements... Movie deals... TV deals... Ask JK Rowling about it... Have you ever noticed that in books by famous authors, the author's name is bigger then the book title? Makes you wonder...
Possibility rating 3/10
...Member of Parliment?
There is 13,713 reasons for it... Firstly it's a service to the nation and you are respected for that... Secondly the sense of achievement, leading the nation... Thirdly, it's a 5 years contract! Talk about stable job... The other 13,710 reasons comes in Singapore Dollar... Every month (That makes 164520 reasons a year!)...
Possibility rating 1/10
...Television Show Host?
Smile! You are on television! You are the man! The cameras are rolling and they are focusing on you! Say something! Just don't say something stupid... Gameshows are nice... Comedies are always good for a laugh... But talkshows... Now that's where the money is...
Possibility rating 2/10
...Porn Actor?
Enough said.
Possibility rating 0/10
...Homeless Bum?
If I only dream and not do something about it... That's where I will be eventually... Woo! Oh rite... It's not a dream job... That's why it's no. 11!
Possibility rating 10/10 (it's always possible!)
We had joy, we had fun, we had YM for 2 months..
15 years ago
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