Matsuri, located at the ground floor of QV.1 tower...

Food... Food... Food!

Tataki! Some sorta barely cooked beef... Really tender... Comes in a lime vinegar dressing... $8 a pop! Luckily I wash dishes for $17 an hour...

Assorted sashimi set for $24... Pretty good... Would have perfered the salmon to be a little sweeter... The tuna a little fatter... But the octupus is just rite!

Nicole's eel roll... $16.50... Looks good... Didn't try it... Not into unagi...

Nicole waiting for her ride home... Her third week in Perth after starting school at Murdoch... She got a nice jacket... Met up with her to have some decent Jap food and a chat...
For the price and all... It's a pretty good meal to me... Not anywhere as good as the food in Japan... But hell! It's good enough! Her friend suggested Taka's, my trained tongue tells me Taka is crappy asian food! But as time goes by... And memories fade away... Crappy asian food taste a little better...
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