Tried something different today... Marinated my chicken drumstick in a soya sauce, honey and cracked black pepper mixture for 2 hours... It's a sweet and slightly saltish combination... Roasted it in low heat for 10 minutes on each side... Tested doneness by poking it with a chopstick... Was pleased with the result... =)

Combined it with a simple stirfried noodle... Used the marinate sauce from the chicken to stir fry the noodle (Recycle! Never waste a drop!)... Added more soya sauce to it to increase the saltiness (it's sweet from the honey... But not salty enough...)... Very simple meal for under $3! Delicious! But not exactly healthy... But definitely better then instant noodles... =x

My HP 39G+ graphing calculator that formerly beongs to a certain Alain Thomson, whose brother Grant sold to me... I hope it's not stolen goods... =P I forgot to bring my calculator over from Singapore... And so have to buy myself one... The school bookshop is selling the same calculator that I'm using in Singapore for $45 (Pui! Pui Pui Pui! Pui! Nahbei! I buy for $20 only! Pui! (Translation: Spit! Spit Spit Spit! Your mother! I purchased the same model for $20 in Singapore! Spit again!))... See a note on the student noticebook selling a graphical calculator for $40... Since there is no restriction on the type of calculator allowed in my statistic module, I decided to buy the second hand graphing calculator...
Second week of school... Still wondering what will be my favorite subject this semester... Thinks that statistic may actually be the one... Heck! When your lecturer (who holds a PhD in Maths!) comes into class in shorts... You know it's gonna be good... Better yet when he discovered mistakes in his lecture slides and contribute it to being drunk! Alrite! Great semester ahead!
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