Skipped all my classes because I'm a lazy bum... Appeared in ECU's Vario Health Clinic to get a DXA scan and a muscle ultrasound... I'm a subject for a research on gene expression from strength training... Whatever does it mean? I got no idea... I just decided to do it...
The DXA scan gives a result for bone density and body composition... From the result I know that I have a very dense head(does explain a lot of things...) and I have 16.1% of fat in my body(with my head reading the highest... With 19.9%! Good gracious! All I have in my head is bones and fats!)... Will be back in school on monday as they cut a piece of my muscle from me... Doesn't sound very pleasurable...

Went down to the Lone Ranges shooting complex in Belmont(it's literally a birthday with a bang!)... Spent $290, on 4 guns, expelling 140 bullets... Which makes it $2 per bullet... It's good fun... But not something I will be doing every weekend...

The whole set! Revolver... Bullets... Ear muff and targets!

The tiny .22 bullets used in the revolver... Got 50 of those...

Bullets in a row... My recommendation is... If you have some extra bits under your pants... Give those 50 bullets a skip... Easy to handle... Low to no recoil... And no KICK!

For a first timer... I'm a pretty good shoot!

And now for bigger bullets... 9mm Parabellum!

Loads 10 in the magazine...

Bullets in a row again!

The gun... A Glock... 17,18 or 19? I got no idea... It goes BANG! And have a nice recoil... That's all I need to know...

Next up... The .40 S&W... 30 rounds of these... More kicks then the 9mm...

Bullets in a row again... I have no idea why... But I didn't take a photo of the gun... Anyway it's pretty much the same gun... Another Glock... But with bigger bullets!

.45 ACP

I just like lining them up alrite?

Loaded and really to roll!

I really got no idea what gun is this... But I guess it's a varient of the M1911... Bigger bullet... Bigger kick! More fun... Would I go again? No idea... Gonna fly a plane next month first...

From left to right... The .22, 9mm, .40 and .45... Just showing you guys the size of the expelled cartidge...

Because Belmont is next door to Burswood... Made a trip to the casino... And won $180! Lalala... My capital was $150... Used the Martingale system with the Andrucci system... Betted on the last dozen... Rolled to around $275 and got greedy... Split my bets and played on 2 dozen... Lost alot! Got to my last $35... And just threw them in... Won... And went back to using the Martingale and Andrucci system again... Played, $5, then $10, $20, $40, $80... When I place down my $80 bet, I turned away because I don't dare see the wheel! But I won! Reached $330... Told myself not to be greedy anymore and cashed out... So yeah! Won $180 today!
And No... I'm not addicted to gambling! It's just that I like reading up on gambling system... This is only my second time in 6 months in Burswood... AND! If you go to the casino... Use the same system as me... And lose... Don't blame me...

No photos in the casino! But nobody say you can't walk out with the chips and take a photo... =D
So yup... Celebrated my 23th birthday in Perth with a BANG! Won myself a little money... And is now gonna tuck in to KFC and watch Hellboy! Life is good...
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