Back in Singapore I used to skip lectures to go play soccer/football... =p
So 1 practical exams and 3 papers to go! Alrite...
Brought a couple of scratch'n'win cards for fun... Spent $10 on 5 different cards... Interestingly... The legal age for lottery in WA is 16... Basically they are time waster which will hopefully win you some cash... Scud intro-ed them to me when he was playing with them before his match...
Bugs'n'bucks is $1 and has 6 symbols under the latex, match 3 and win! Boring... Not much of a time waster...
Pirate Stash is basically the same as Bugs'n'bucks, but you get 3 game for $2... Boring too...
Bingo Bonanza is a bingo game... U get 4 boards and 24 numbers on the side... Get 4 corners, an 'X', a line (5 in a row) or a square to win! My favorite of the games... A jolly good waste of time...
Crossword is well... Crossword... You get a crossword board and 20 letters... Scratch out 3 words and above and you win! Only scratched out 2 words... A good time waster... But I perfer bingo...
Didn't win any cash from the games... Will try out the other lottery products from LotteryWest when I feel like it... LotteryWest is like Singapore Pools (or any other lottery system in the World!)... They make humps of cash from gamblers (including me... =x) and then return some of the money to the community to ease their guilt... Don't sue me! Now if only some1 can get me a mahjong set...
Will be assisting in the talent identification (TID) program testing later at 10am... Then it's to the soccer club at night for the FA cup final... Full day ahead! =S
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