Went down to Metro City for Mambo Night... A nights out organised by the SSAs of Perth's University... It's a social event! All work and no play makes me a dumb boy...

You see that layer of fat? It's the only reason I didn't get drunk!

Metro City's male toilet... Notice the old school urinal you don't find in Singapore anymore...

The female of the species are special you know...

It's not as packed as it looks... There was more then enough walking space...

Magic mirror! Now we have 4!

Motivational dancers... They are trying to motivate the floor to move it! They were trying very hard...

It was hot... I was sweating... =P
I was damn lucky to somehow manage to get a ride home... Met this pair of RSAF guys... Was originally planning to continuing partying... But everything was closing... So they gave me a ride home... Thanks man! Or I would have been sleeping at the train station...
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