Saturday, May 8, 2010

Almost 3 Months Now...

3 months since I started on my Master's...

Can I just say... It's so different from undergrad?

It used to be lectures and tutorials... Lectures which I skip happily because I will end up sleeping in them anyway... And tutorials with one or two assignments and deadline set by the school. Then we have the mid-sems and the finals examination. Which seems alrite, coz it's juz a big cramping session near the mid and the end of the semester, where I spend a little more time reading my notes, and reinforcing them with textbook and journal readings. It's simple... Do your assignment and study for your exams! Do that and you normally would score!

But now it's journal reading... And more reading... And more reading... And then you read some more... And you don't exactly know where you are going some times! And then there's the proposal I'm writing... Supposed to be 15 pages long... That's just the part with words... And there's no deadline staring at you! You set your own! And in-between the writing... You have meetings with supervisor in which you figure where you are heading... And whether you are heading in the right direction... And even when you think you are moving correctly... There's some doubts lingering... And some times when you enter the meeting with an idea you think is great! And your supervisor deassemble the idea in seconds... Find all those loopholes your amateur eyes can't see... And destroys it in seconds! And after the proposal... It's gonna be data collection... And finally the writing of the actual thesis... No more exams... No more assignment deadlines... Just meetings... And reading... And writing... And confusion added in for fun! =/

Why am I looking so far ahead at data collection and thesis writing? I mean... I'm still struggling with the proposal! >.<

The stress level is much higher... The procedure unfamiliar... And some times... When work stare at me, I just go on to facebook! =x Seriously... I need to buck up! =) Must remember what Joe Mate told me at the start of the semester... "Don't try to swim ahead... Don't let yourself sink... Learn to threadwater!" I need to threadwater now... Coz I'm sinking a little... =x

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