Condition of entry... For anyone who's interested...

A crowd of 10,053 came to the Perth Oval to support the Glory boys...

Sadly... A disappointing day for Perth Fans... As Glory does down 1-2 to an unimpressive Melbourne side...

A view of the stand... And Tando Velaphi... Perth's no. 1...
It was around this time when I noticed an event of pure evilness... 3 kids were playing in the stand... 2 older is and a younger boy... It was pretty obvious to me, that the 2 older kids are irritated by the younger boy... And so one of them said... 'We are playing hide n seek! You go hide! And we will find you...' And so the younger boy ran off into the stand... And the 2 older 1s... Turned their back... And continue watching the match!

They won... They can linger on the field...

And here we have Tampines favorite... On loan with a guest contract at Melbourne Victory! Playing on the left of midfield... Not here to warm the bench for Victory... Playing his first full game for the side...

Today I learned about the story of Kevin and Sarah... Why didn't I met any nice girls on the train?
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