Disclaimer: The first 2 photos are generally safe... But if you are afraid of blood... Don't scroll beyond the first 2... =D

Derek... The guinea pig... Hooked up to the metabolic cart... And running... Doing his VO2max test... The VO2max test is a test of maximum aerobic capacity... It is used in sports science as a predictor of aerobic performances... Average VO2max range from 42-46ml.min.kg for a healthy young male... Top aerobic athletes hits VO2max of 60ml.min.kg and above... With cross country skiers coming in at up to 90+ml.min.kg... For a full range of VO2max normative data... Dun ask me!

Derek getting unhooked from the machine...

As part of the test... We are required to retrieve blood sample to test for blood lactate level... My job is to prick his finger and draw blood! MWAHAHA...

And this is what your hand will look like after some guy prick ur fingers once too many... =x Luckily I'm not the guinea pig! =D
Heading down to UWA tml for some 'Raine' lecture or something... Titled 'Is Exercise Bad for your Heart?' Uhuh? =x