Have not been blogging because nothing moderately exciting been happening in my life... Because studying is not exciting at all... But I cooked something different today... So I guess it's worth writing about...

A piece of meat!

Does not remain merely a piece of meat long in my hands...

Lightly rubbed with salt and pepper... Roasted at 200degrees for around 25 minutes for medium well... Served with instant mash potato and canned vegetable! =x Hey! The main thing is the meat... 500gm worth of meat... I like meat... Give me a piece of steak and I will smile the whole day...
On the other hand... Is there any sorta steak eating challenge in Perth? Those eat 1kg of steak in a certain amount of time thingy? =x

I also broke my glasses over the week... Was wiping it clean when I broke it with my fingers?!? The strength training at school is paying off... LOL!
Second week of the 8 week programme... Feeling damn fine... Sure... The muscle biopsy sucks... But the training and gym session (hey! It's free!) is great!