A drunk guy tried to rob me on thursday night... He was the most irritating and stupid robber I have met... He's also the only robber I have met... And I hope he remains the only 1 I will ever meet... And calling him a robber is an insult to all robbers... Because basically... He's just a dumb drunk...
Took the 2245 bus home after football training... I could smell beer lingering around him at the interchange... We got onto the same bus... Halfway through... He started talking to me!
"What bus is this?"
Where are you going?"
Then he changed seat to get closer to me...
"What ya got in your bag?"
"A first aid kit..."
"I mean the backpack..."
"I'm gonna hit you..."
"You have a mobile?"
"Give me your mobile!"
"You want my number?"
"Give me your mobile!"
"Get off the next stop and fight me!"
At this point I got irritated and walked to the front of the bus to tell the bus driver... And he followed me... And then he started to kick me! As hard as a guy who can't stand properly on his feet can kick... Which is... Not very much... So I just smiled at him... The bus driver stopped and ask him to get off the bus... He tried to give me 1 final kick... Missed and kicked the bus instead... =/
There is actually so much I can do to him... Smack him round abit... Call the cops... Tie him to a tree... But in the end, I choose to let it go... And laugh at his pathetic-ness... Here's a little tip to robbers wannabe... If you wanna rob someone... Don't drink beer beforehand...

Alex, my landlord brought a new set of carpet for him living room... Spent my morning watching the carpet layer at work...

Old carpet...

Bare... Cold... Concrete floor!

The new carpet is made by bridgestone?!?

New carpet in the living room... Really quite nice... Alex spent 10 minutes rolling over it with Moko...

Moko posing... As usual...

Watched Transformers today too! Nice movie! Bad show... Weak storyline... But 1 hell of an action packed ride to happiness! Totally ridiculous! Totally awesome! It's $14 a pop... Does explain why this is the first time in 5 months I went to the cinema...