I'm currently 849 words into my 1,200 words paper on anger, aggression and sporting performances! Under the frustration-aggression theory... A build-up of frustration leads to aggression... In other words... If I dun release my pitted up frustration... I'm going to destroy my laptop! So I decided to blog... Today's topic is... Yimian's top 10 babes... In no particular order! Lalala... Photos stolen from all over the net... =x

Ueto Aya... Saw her in 'Attention Please!' and 'Install'... Is still jealous of the little boy in 'Install'... To understand why... Just go watch the bloody movie...

We start off with Eikura Nana... First saw her in 'Proposal Daisakusen'... Some weird J-drama... Next watched her drama 'Dance Drill'... Which is totally stupid... But got Eikura Nana! =x She gives off a totally sunshine-girl feel... Oh... And she plays a mean instrument called the shamisen real well too!

Joanne Peh... First noticed her in 'Happily Ever After' where she co-starred with Elvin Ng... Would like to mention that this show will forever leave a bad taste in my mouth because... THEY KILLED THE AH BENG WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD WANTS THEM TO BE TOGETHER! Thank you Mediacorp... Oh yeah... The above photo is stolen from ajollyaffair.wordpress.com... Which is Joanne Peh's blog... Which has very pretty photos of her... Lalala...

Michelle Chia... What show she acted in.... I also forgot le... Don't care... She's a babe... That's why she's here... Kick me! Photo stolen from benacg at http://www.flickr.com/photos/11999198@N06/... A very beautiful... Well taken photo...

Rui En... Also forgot what show she acted in already... Don't care... I like can already... She's tomboyish... Again... Don't care... I like can already...

Nagasawa Masami... First watched her in 'Crying Out Love in the Center of the World'... Disc 1 is with Natalene... Disc 2 is somewhere in my place... In other words... Nat still can't watch it! Will always remember her line in 'Crying Out Love in the Center of the World'... "Can you feel my breast?" She's also the lead of 'Proposal Daisakusen'... But I was paying more attention to Eikura Nana...
Ha Ji-Won... 'Sex is Zero' is her first show I watched... Watched it with Natalene in a chalet... Next watched 'Love So Divine' in a DVD-Bang in Korea...

Takashi Sorimachi's wife... Nanako Matsushima... First saw her in 'GTO'... Next in the murder-thriller 'Ice-World'... Oh la la... Apparently she and Takashi Sorimachi met on set and started off their romance from there...

Felicia Chin... Forgot what show I first saw her in le... This is her infamous vitagen ad... If you know what it is infamous for... Good for you! If not... Too bad... Either way... She also give off the sunshiny vibes... Teng How had the chance to meet her as a calefare in 'Honor and Passion'... Lucky bastard! Bastard!

Jeon Ji-Hyun... Every guy must have fallen in love with her after watching 'My Sassy Girl'... Right? Right? LIE TO ME! Her performance in 'Il-Mare' is outstanding... 'Windstruck' is well... Bad... I also happen to have a poster of her on my wall... Sad to say... The wall is in Singapore...
Final listing... 4 Singaporean... 4 Japanese... 2 Korean... Which tells you that I don't watch Hong kong or Taiwan dramas and movies... On the other hand... I watch too much Japanese and Korean shows... Which is 1 of the reason why I ended up cycling in Korea and Japan... No ang moh... Don't know why... =x
Ok... Back to filling in the other 351 words to complete my 1,200 words paper... Which is due in about 5 hours... It's more exciting this way... =P